Saturday, June 16, 2007

Freedom !!!

The lack of activity for the past week was due to ahem... studying. Yeah right. It was more of a guilty feeling that I shouldn't be relaxing as much as I was during exam time so I just erm... slept instead of coming online... and I tried very hard to read through my textbooks, I really did. It's just that I have this disorder where my eyes automatically close when I see a textbook... part of my pful^zzz syndrome maybe?

So it's freedom for a month!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Happiness. No more going to Uni, no more books (except storybooks of course), no more work, just fun fun fun! And packing -_-'''.
So who's up for a movie marathon of all the movies I have at home which I never got the chance to watch? Muahahaha. My excitement is beyong words, because I am beyong you and you are beyong me! Good day all!
keeping myself from typing anymore until the adrenaline calms down.

Monday, June 11, 2007

If you go down to the woods today

If you go down to the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise
If you go down to the woods today
You better believe your eyes
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic
Every teddy bear who's been good
Is sure of a treat today
There's lots of marvelous things to eat
And wonderful games to play
Beneath the trees, where nobody sees
They'll hide and seek as long as they please
'Cause that's the way the teddy bears have their picnic
Picnic time for teddy bears
The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today
Watch them, catch them unawares
And see them picnic on their holiday
See them gaily gad about
They love, to play and shout, they never have any cares
At six o'clock their mommies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little teddy bears
If you go down in the woods today You better not go alone
It's lovely down in the woods today
But safer to stay at home
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there together because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic
So I just finished watching Open Season. It's supposed to be a kids' song, but it sounds kinda... sinister? creepy? Like the teddy bears are gonna turn around with gleaming red eyes, baring fangs and brandishing claws (you know, like knives) and come after you.....and eat you.....
...I'm gonna have nightmares tonight...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Random videos... because I can

Speed Monkey

Oh how I miss my rpg's...

Cloud's hair is ridiculously gravity-defying

Donkey rocks, haha

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Flawless Victory

I forgot just how wonderful movie effects in 1995 were. Following a sudden urge to watch Mortal Kombat again (after 10+ years?), I realise just how bad the effects and fighting were. Totally spoils my whole "Mortal-Kombat-is-so-cool!" concept. But, the song still rocks... and Raiden rocks. =) Can't wait for the third movie next year!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mods de Chocobo

I know I declared a 2-week hiatus. I also know that I cannot last 2 weeks without blogging. Not that I'm a blog addict. I just have news. =D

SOOOO, my big news is..... that......... I'm...............
no, not really. Actually, the big news is that I'm moving to Melb next year. =) I'm switching course entirely and I'm moving to Melb after my IP (industry placement) this year. The reason I'm still going ahead with my IP is 'cause I wanna earn lots and lots of money to cover whatever expenses (including tuition fees) I've already spent this year, and possibly earn more so that I can cover some of my expenses for next year as well. So, the only thing I'm wasting is time. BUT, I'm still young (trying to console myself), and by the time I graduate, I will still be young (definitely much younger than when those future-surgeons/doctors graduate, heehee).
So to answer some of the questions that some of you have already asked/are going to ask:
What course am I taking? Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting and possibly Actuarial Studies (depending on how crazy I am).
Which uni? Uni of Melb.
Why Uni of Melb? Because I can.
Why move to Melb? Because I can.
Why change course? Because I can.
So, basically, because I can lah!
Okay, seriously, I'm moving there because of certain family situations that I shall choose not to disclose because it will embarass one certain member of my family greatly. hehe. And my parents feel safer with me in Melb 'cause I have an aunt there, so I won't go missing for days without anyone realising. And I'm miserable in Adelaide (although this is only a very small tiny tiny part of it).
Reasons for course switch, in no particular order:
1) Financial situations, the fees where I'm studying at the current moment is ridiculous,
2)Possibility of scholarship so it will help problem no. 1, thus further lightening my dad's burden of having to support me and my useless brother (don't cut your wrist, I'm only kidding, you know I love you... as much as you love me! I know you do =D).
3)According to miss RX and my aunt, getting a PR in aus will be easier if I choose a course which is in demand, i.e. Bach of Commerce/Accounting etc.,
4)Better future/higher pay (so it will help problem no. 1), etc.
5)IF, and only IF, my results are good, I will be offered jobs at super canggih companies before I even graduate
6)More relaxing hours than what I have here now = can work part-time = can help with problem no.1
7)More holidays = can work = can help with problem no.1
Before any of you start with the "I-told-you-so's" (yes, I'm looking at all of you who told me I was wasting my potential/brains (what brains??) on hospitality course), I don't think that coming here was a mistake. It was more of... a learning experience. =) Learning to be in a place where I knew no one, learning to adapt... and most of all, I believe I did learn a lot during this one semester in this course. I do still like this course... or whatever I've learnt in the past semester anyway. And if not for a naggy feeling that I'm "wasting my potential" (yeah so you guys did get to me after all, *grumble grumble*), I would still continue with this course. So, I have no regrets whatsoever in making the "mistake" of coming here. At least I got a chance to bartend, and I was good at it too, ho ho ho. Okay, jokes aside, the most important lesson I learnt, I guess, is that it's okay to make mistakes sometimes, even big mistakes like this. No one's perfect. And, at least I get to earn back the money (and more) when I go for IP. Okay, I'm done defending my mistake. I will now brace myself for the "I-told-you-so's". Bring it on! =P
One very very bad thing that's come out of this decision is... I'm putting zero effort into my exams next week.. meaning even LESS effort than I normally put in.. if that's even possible =D

Monday, June 04, 2007

You used to laugh out loud but you can't remember when

I declare a brief 2 week hiatus starting today. Exam week looms, and I still haven't started. I really never learn from past kanchong-cannot-finish-studying-ness. The worst part of this is I have no study break. *sobz* The day I actually finish studying for any paper is the day the biggest miracle in this world happens.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Shilly in the UK: You misunderstood me, I misunderstood you. But I still feel hurt... I'm trying to understand that you may have your own problems that you seem reluctant to share, causing you to say what you said in the email. I don't know anymore. There's too many things on my mind. Maybe I should just stop thinking and feeling. Maybe it's true what they say, we always hurt the people we love the most. Allowing myself to feel hurt over what you said is proof enough that I still care so much about our friendship. Although I doubt you will even read this... ?

To everyone else who doesn't know who I'm talking to and what I'm talking about, it's not a boyfriend/ex-boyfriend. In case anyone's *shoots bro a "look"* getting any funny ideas.