Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Every smile and every tear, Every hope and all your fears

And the procrastination continues...

I went to the state library today. I was there for 4 hours. I studied 5 chapters. I am proud. Although I am still extremely behind. And the guy on Sha's left side was smelly. And the guy on my right was sneezy. But I am still proud. I studied.
Cherry elephant athazagoraphobe banana tree.


Glo Glo said...

If you fold enough wishing stars you won't even need to study to do well ba...that's the idea of it. :D

jase said...

Are those for me? XD

Joce said...

gloglo: i don't have a bigger jar =( lol, we shouldn't encourage my laziness... it can hear us!

jase: u wish, it's a pathetic attempt at trying to colourify my boring room without putting things on the wall (because my landlord said it's a big no-no)

Joce said...

wahlau miss sha only lah, like that... lol!

Joce said...

having fun, HAHAHA, hardly. EXAMS AHHHHHHHHHH, *sobz*, anyway thanks! And when are u coming??? =P