Saturday, March 17, 2007

Why are Superheroes so cool?

Because they rock my world, that's why. Inspiration for this post: a big huge dosage of Heroes and Smallville (specifically the Justice episode) as a *ahem* self-reward for having finally completed my assignment. *grin* I wish I had superpowers too, like the Xmen and Justice League. *drool* 'Cause superpowers are so cool. AND I can meet hot superheroes like Oliver Queen and Clark Kent (or more specifically Justin Hartley and Tom Welling, heeheehee, not that I like them as actors, I just find the whole Superhero + hunky good looks package so cool) Too bad ep. 11 is probably the last we'll see of Green Arrow in Smallville, damn. Point of this post? I love Superheroes.

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