Monday, May 04, 2009

And all I needed was a call, It never came

After an hour of vacuuming and cleaning of the living room carpet in the midst of my assignments, I finally decided drastic action had to be taken.

A quick scribble after:
A happy vacuum cleaner is the makings of a happy me.
Is this perhaps a bit too obvious?


Audrey said...

oh god.. you're so mean.

Super Gentleman said...

I would care less about it... Too timid... Next time put a bear trap with sensor so it would snap when some1 comes in with a shoe... LoL...

jase said...

haha joce, guess u cant tahan nymore isit? u should just say so from the start ba

Joce said...

aud: mean? try selalu perlu scrub and clean bilik mandi, dapur, karpet etc. Selalu saya sendiri cuci. Try tinggal dengan orang yang begitu kotor tapi masih rasa dirinya clean. I sudah beritahunya banyak kali jangan pakai kasut dalam rumah, tapi dia masih pakai. U still wanna say mean?

bong: not too timid, just that I sudah letih selalu beritahunya (nicely) jangan pakai kasut dalam rumah, jadi I fikir kalau letak note di situ, dia akan lebih teliti pasal kasutnya apabila masuk rumah.

jase: memang sudah beritahunya banyak kali, tapi dia masih pakai kasut dalam rumah. Hari tu I cakap "I tak tahan kalau rumah kotor", dan dia reply "Ya ya, saya juga!" *pengsan*

Joce said...

Yeah yeah, decided to do my comments in malay, just in case. Hehe

=+den+= said...

the note still so nice de... should be a bit more commanding... like "NO SHOES IN HOUSE!" just black and white... wahaha

Joce said...

I was trying to let her know nicely ma, not barking-mad-dog-leaping-out-of-tree way, lol