Monday, August 21, 2006

Fee Fye Foe Fum Dee Dye Doe Dumb!

The title above has absolutely no relevance to my post. It's one of those random things I do. =D

One of my mum's friends came over earlier on. She works for this company that does career guidance counselling etc. etc. and my mum asked her over to talk to me about my "future" because I'm still undecided about what course I should take.. what I should major in Uni yada yada. By undecided, I mean I'm totally clueless.. like totally absolutely completely clueless. She talked for 2 hours and I listened for 2 hours and I nodded and smiled for 2 hours.. and at the end of 2 hours, I learned................nothing that I didn't already know. What a complete waste of my 2 hours. Okay, so she did enlighten me a little (like an insy-weensy tiny little spider little) but it really was pretty much like she was telling me a fairytale I already knew by heart. And to think she usually charges RM100 to talk to people about these things. Forget career guidance counselling, I'ld take her job right now! But it was nice talking to her. I'm just still clueless 'bout what course to take.
I'm working on a tagboard for this place.. trying to decide the colours for it now. I'm thinking of making its background black with pink text.. and purple for the names. Oh, it's gonna make the guys feel SOoO gay when they comment! *evil grin* *nyeeheehee* >D But, I'm feeling slightly sleepy now so it might take a couple more days before I actually get the tagboard up and running.
I think I've gone slightly stupid from coughing so much. Coughing causes pressure in my head.. then my brain starts spilling and evaporating from my ears and nose. A highly compressed brain is a dysfunctional brain. A ho ho ho!

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