Anyone know where I can get Microsoft Office 2007 really cheap or for free?? 'Cause I need it for my course, but it's so expensive! I can get the Student version (Word, Excel, Access?, Powerpoint) for $75, but I need a Uni email and a credit card. I have neither. Uni email I've tried to create, but failed.
Have I ever told you guys that presentations suck? I hate public speaking! =(
u memang noob kia... go find from internet for d torrent n dl lahh... ane pun beh hiao... cin noob... LoL...
internet one all trial version punya, I need the real real one.. 'cause I'm gonna need it the whole of this year at least.. torrent can mer?
Actually I already downloaded the Office 2007 thingy, just that need product key now, 'cause I already used it 10 times, so another 15 times and I won't have Word, Excel, or Powerpoint to use at ALL, haha
if torrents fail u..
go to this forums and search for it. Its probably downloadable thru rapid share so u have to do it slowly...
just wan the product key then try Slowly find one that works la.
can dl d keygen o crack 1 oso... jz go n find it... dere is alot of pirates out dere 1 u noe... LoL... n im 1 of dem... muahahaha...
i'll try whatever I can lah, thanks guys! Ad, my bestest best friend, Feli, my bestest best cousin, and bong.... you're just bong =P
neici... joce is useless... very very useless... ive decided to ignore u for d rest of my life even if u cum begging... :P
bong ah, I was actually trying to protect ur reputation, but since u insist, then ok lor, bong, u're my bestest best gay "sister"! =D
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