Missing! Have you seen him?
Yes, I lost Wuffles, I did. It's devastating. It's even more devastating that I only realised this 3 weeks after I should have! *sobz*. Oh where oh where could my darling Wuffles be!
He's not home in Kuching (I checked with my mum at 2 am last night because this IS an emergency), he wasn't with me on Hamilton Island 'cause only Binky and Pink Star (didn't name the star) were with me, he wasn't with my stuff in Adelaide (which have all been brought here), so where could he be?! The last time I saw him was in Adelaide last year, *sobz*, and I even lost all the pics of him! Had to dig the one above out from conference pics 'cause I remembered I brought him and he was somewhere in the background of our pics, hehe.
I'm really sad, really really sad! Anyone who went to Damai/various other camps would know how much Wuffles means to me, and that I bring him almost everywhere. =( We've been through so much together... he was even kidnapped and nearly got his ears cut off in the middle of the night! (courtesy of Ad and Tzy Wen... btw, anyone still have a copy of that trip's pics and most importantly, the pics and vids of wuffles? =D) If anybody sees him, feel free to call me at ANY time of the night to tell me that he's safe.
I'm gonna go sit in a corner and mourn my loss now.
he is wif me lehh... i kidnapped him... soli lohhh... i nided his help to traffic drugs over d country mahhh... he has been such a dear fren to me liao, helping me earn money... LoL...
full of crap lah u, u, for one, have never seen my Wuffles before, I think, haha, 'cause everytime we have sleepovers and camps and trips all that, you weren't there
cz u ppl boh sim lahh exclude me 1... mai kong jiu tiok... haih... all d more reason for me 2 kidnap him... LoL..
not we boh sim ah, u urself tiaw keh everytime busy lah this lah that lah, cheh, every day sit at home dota nia, btw, I bo shu cho that day played o2jam, lol!
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