Friday, March 07, 2008

The weight of things that remain unspoken

First week of Uni is over... oVER. I did manage to attend 2 full classes.. by full, I mean I sat there throughout the whole class. It doesn't matter that I was nodding off.. or that I wasn't listening to anything.. what matters is that I did sit there till the class ended. An overview of how my week was going. Day 1, 1st class... I was 10 minutes late, same went for the 2nd class. Day 2, I attended both classes ON TIME! Day 3, I was on time to class but erm... I erm.... I erm..... ran away when the lecturer gave a 15 minute break after an hour. =D Day 4, as much as I thought I was gonna be on time, I wasn't. I was, again, 10 minutes late. *sighs* I really should work on my time management.

It occurred to me last night, that my semester is officially only 3 months long. Which means, in little under 3 months I'll be having exams. Thus far, I don't think the lecturers really love me all that much, considering I'm the only asian in most of my tutorials, AND I've been kindly disrupting their classes by walking in late. Not exactly the best impression I would've wanted to give on my first week. =(
I'll continue this post later... 'cause my friend's here!
And I'm back again... the funnest thing about being in class is when you can get away with sitting at the back and sleeping. The thing about my lectures this time around is that, I've never had a class with sooo many people before. Which means I can get away with just about anything, from doodling all over my notes... to shooting stapler bullets at random people... to dozing. What I SHOULD be doing in class, though, is of course, to pay attention... and NOT to embarrass myself by nodding off onto the shoulder of the guy next to me. Not a great way to pick up guys. -.-
Speaking of picking up guys, I ran into someone today,.. literally ran into. I was running across the road to get my mail and erm, he appeared. I swear he did. It was totally not because I had just woken up and I wasn't wearing my contacts. It was totally not because at that time of the morning, my brain isn't actually awake even if my body is. Yes anyway, he must have been very in awe when I rammed into him because when I came out with my mail, he asked for my number. -.- Needless to say, I didn't give it to him. Weirdo.
I apologize for this lack-of-inspiration post. There's a voice at the back of my head telling me to hurry up 'cause he wants to play Dota. Literally a voice at the back of my head. I'm skype-ing with my bro, who's in the next room. =D


Super Gentleman said...

y do owes hav all d stalkers n weirdos hanging all around u 1?? i swear u hav a stalker magnet ahh... LoL... u can quit ur studying life n bcum a test subject at sum lab... LoL...

Joce said...

lol, I wish I can quit my studying life ah! If they'll pay me to be the test subject, I don't mind! heehee