Saturday, September 23, 2006

Exploits of chckn & jungle Ep. 1

This is a sequel to the exploits of hiao miao & buayak.
One not-so-fine, about-to-rain day, chckn and jungle went to town. Having absolutely no purpose in mind, they walked around aimlessly for a while. Having not very much money at hand, jungle tried very very hard to keep herself away from the multitudes of books she wanted to buy at the bookshop, and soft toys she would very much like to bring home, and about a million other things she wish she could afford =D. She wishes so much that some kind *ahem* generous *ahem* people *ahem* would buy her books *ahem* and soft huggable soft toys *ahem*. Anything electronic *ahem* would do too. heehee.
Just as they were about to leave, they stumbled upon some treasures.. huggable lil treasures. After purchase of said huggable lil treasures, here's what happened. Presenting the treasures...

chckn with schnuggles candy corn jiwang mashmallow xing xing wu jiao

jungle with pinky mashmallow huggles (i did not name it)



Retards.. if u look closely, our shirts even match our stars.. this was NOT pre-planned.

Mr. blue doesn't look very happy..

There are other pictures (I think) that are probably too silly to post up. And the whole time we were taking these silly pictures, the guy in the car next to ours was staring at us. That car.. had a lodge sticker on it. If it's anybody who knows us, please keep in mind that this is not how most students from that school would turn out. At the end of the day, chckn and jungle went home, very happy and satisfied with their new treasures.
Moral of the story: If you have no money to buy anything else, find someone who would buy you a pink star.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh gods