Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Freedom where art thou?

Oh, my freedom, where have you gone?

After getting so used to driving myself around every day for the past 1-2 months, now I feel so detached from the world 'cause my car is sick. It was making funny noises when I came home yesterday, and my dad says there's something wrong with the belting (absolutely nothing to do with me okay =P). So, today or tomorrow it will be going to the hospital for a checkup, and I..... have lost my freedom. *sobz* Now I'm stuck at home, and I cannot drive out to anywhere I want. =( I suppose it IS good in a way. At least now, I wouldn't feel a jab in my heart everytime I look at the petrol gauge and see the meter needle slowly declining...'cause I wouldn't be looking at the petrol gauge at all! And no one has any reason to ask me to pick them up! muahahahahaha.. kidding.
I need to do something with all this time I'm spending off the road.
I'm going to...... read a book.

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