Thursday, September 14, 2006

Who wants a hug?

Does anybody want a hug? I feel like hugging people.. just hugging everyone.. and spreading happiness.. and love.. I don't like hate/hurt.. I like love a lot.

If a hug is what it takes, a hug is what I'll give. *Hug* anyone?
bro when u get back here, I'm gonna give u a big bear hug.. a bear hug so big u're gonna suffocate and choke for air! 'cause at times like these, i really miss u a lot. (oh the mushiness)


Anonymous said...

I wanna giv u a big big bear hug! REALLY!
but then u wings..they can't do much..
so yes, i'm gonna giv u as big a chicken hug as i can ever giv..jz promise u won't break my wings k? =D
i know u n peter rabbit's been berkomploting to chicken-nap me so tat i can get away to the uk..but i have to go no matter what =( and i'd like to do tat with my wings intact okay? *BIGhug*

Joce said...

And I'll give u a big jungly hug! As big a hug can get without breaking ur wings =)
And now u're thinking of flying to uk with sulphur-ed feathers? i thnk you're better off not going and staying here =)
It'll save me and peter rabbit a lot of trouble scheming the whole thing

doubt anyone knows what we're talking about ;P

Lyd said...

hugsy pugsy gugsy bugsy rugsy tugsy jugsy lugsy mugsy hugsy =P

and i KNOW wat u two r talkin about!muahahahahhaha

Joce said...

zhuang ke ai! lol!
u may think u know what we're talking about.. but u probably don't. unless you've been secretly spying on me and listening in on my conversations! =O

Anonymous said...

u never know...
and puhleeasseee la..zhuang ke ai my ass ah...
hmm... u n tedhua now talk same same ah...HHMMMMMM......

btw.. Lyd here.. malas sign in

Joce said...

hmm ur tao ah.. i purposely followed the way he said it.. zhuang ke ai.. lol.. all the hugsy mugsy pugsy stuff =P