Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sleepless nights, Wrong or right, Goodbye

Good morning, Toowoomba!

It is 5.45 a.m., 3.8˚C. I am freezing, and scrambling about trying to wake myself up so I can go catch the bus to get to my exam hall on time. Of course, by on time, I really mean an hour early, simply because the bus any later than the one I catch will arrive just 5 minutes before exam and I would have to sprint to the exam hall (about 10 minutes of normal walking away from the nearest bus stop), by which time all the information I have no doubt, and quite sufficiently, lobbed into my brain will all dissipate into the passing winds.
Why oh why do they torture me so?
Did I mention it was freezing?
GOOD MORNING WORLD! I AM READY TO TACKLE YOU! *hits snooze on alarm* After 5 minutes.....

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