Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And when you're out there, Without care

*Spoiler alert: I hereby warn anyone who hasn't watched 1408 and will do so in the future, that there might (or might not) be spoilers contained within this post. I cannot be responsible for what I type when I'm in fear/ terrified/ agitated/ panicked/ anxious. Neither can I control the information I may disclose about the movie.* Why do I do these things to myself.
5.25 p.m.: I'm attempting to watch 1408 on my own. In my room. All alone. About the craziest thing I've ever done to myself. Everyone knows how freaked out I get and how much I hate horror (supernatural paranormal kinda horror) movies. And here I am, attempting to watch one on my own. *whimpers* Which is why I'm here. To relieve a bit of the panic I'm feeling at the moment. And nothing scary has even happened yet. He's just about to enter 1408. Wish me luck. I'll be back when I feel the need to escape the movie for a bit again.
5.30 p.m.: Omgosh Omgosh Omgosh omgosh omgosh. The room is dark. There's a woman and baby living next door. omgosh omgosh omgosh omgosh omgosh. Please don't let anything happen to the baby. omgosh omgosh omgosh omgosh omgosh. Anticipation is bad.
5.35 p.m.: Nothing's happening. I can't take this anymore! I'm gonna go a-taking a shower and a-taking my dinner before I continue. I very much doubt I would dare to go into the bathroom once the movie proceeds.
6.25 p.m.:
And the torment continues...
6.50 p.m.
: I lasted 25 minutes without coming here. The radio the radio the radio. Omgosh omgosh omgosh.
6.55 p.m.
: @)#(*$#^)(*@#(*&$#)(*@&#)(*#@! 7.10 p.m.: @)#($*)@#(*$)@#$&(@#*$&(#@* "What I was, you are... What I am, you will be" *freaky smile* AND MY PHONE RINGS. WHAT THE CELAKA OMGOODNESS KICK ME!!!
7.20 p.m.: Please don't ever make me stay in a hotel room alone. I draw the line at a minimum of 4 people in a room. A small room. So there'll always be someone with me at any one time.
7.30 p.m.: I stopped being scared for about 10 minutes. Now I am freaked beyond anything. Hold me. *sniff*
7.35 p.m.: CHEH! Anti-climatic. It wasn't real!
8.35 p.m.
: It WAS real! @#(*$&#@&^$*&#@^($#@
Remind me to never ever ever do things like these to myself. *sobz*


Super Gentleman said...

LoL... sendiri cari pasal lahh... hahahz...

Joce said...

no no, 'cause someone told me it was nice and not that scary... you know I'm very trusting so I believed! lol, omgosh, I had to go read random pleasant mangas last night so that I could sleep after watching that movie, hehe

Lyd said...

silly girl =D

isnt it better to just watch dat vid i sent u =D dublinStu =D