Friday, April 25, 2008


I need to get some frustration out. Let off some steam, so to speak. Apparently, some of YOUR friends are under the impression that I moved here because I'm not independent enough and need someone (namely, my bro... who isn't even here anymore) to TAKE CARE of ME.

Okay, I'ld like to ask ONE question (or a couple of questions for that matter): If I couldn't freaking take care of myself, HOW THE HECK do you think I survived on the island... the ISOLATED island... for 7 months?! HOW THE HECK do you think I worked AND lived there ALL BY MYSELF, CUT OFF from the rest of the world?! HOW THE HECK do you think I survived the whole of last year?! Have you ever thought of that?!
So please, learn how to USE YOUR BRAINS before you give others this kinda impression of me. In any case, it has already been proven countless times that I'm much more mature than you. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
*think happy thoughts.... pink elephants and lemonade...... =D*


Super Gentleman said...

wahh hu so sat piss off dumb dumb?? LoL...

Joce said...

someone who needs to learn to grow up, haha, but I don't really care anymore, I've let it all out so I'm all better now... pink elephants and lemonadeeee, hehe

Joce said...

erm okay, for one, I would never EVER talk about my mum like that, you have no idea how much I love my mum? feli feli, why would u even think it was my mum?!?! omg