Darimu yang mampu menyanjungku
Yes, I do like some Malay songs as well. Anyway, back to the blog.
"Don't judge." Something we hear a lot, but human nature makes it so natural for one person to judge another. Everyone is judgmental, whether we like to admit it or not. But it is entirely in our power to regulate how much we let judgments control our life. I, for one, am totally against judging someone until you really get to know that person. Their actions may seem queer, uncommon... fake, even... to us, but we won't know for sure until we truly understand that person. It takes time to know and understand someone and the reasons behind the things they do and say... the way they think. Most people find the easy way out. Rather than take their time to understand a person, they judge and decide then and there whether that person is "this" or "that". I have a friend whom I love and adore. But the thing that really irks me sometimes, is the fact that she can judge someone so easily. She sees the surface of people's actions and words, and passes judgment on the spot. Nothing you say to her will change her mind... even when she is proven otherwise. She sees someone doing something. It makes her angry, disappointed, frustrated, and bam, that person is lower in her eyes than before. She judges... without ever making the effort to understand. My policy? Accept. Accept people for who they are. Why judge? You won't understand someone unless you, first, accept them. No one is perfect. Not even you. If others can accept your flaws, why can't you accept theirs? Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to make myself sound all righteous and harmonious. I'm not perfect. Far from it, too. I do judge people too, sometimes. Much as I try not to. But I try to stop myself when I realise that I'm judging. I don't like people judging me without first getting to know me. If I can help it, I don't like people judging me at all (unless it's a good thing, heehee). I don't do unto others what I don't like done to myself. I try not to anyway. It may sound really cliche (you cynics may laugh), but that's how I think. That's how I choose to lead my life. Judge me not. And in case anyone's getting any ideas... no, this is not a personal attack on anyone. It is... pretty much just emo-ness. =D