Saturday, May 24, 2008

Suteki da ne, Futari te wo tori aruketa nara

I would first like to say that I haven't been replying mails even though I've been break-ing from assignments 'cause when I break, I literally break from everything and just lie around doing nothing. You know who you are, person that I'm directing this at. But that doesn't mean that I don't still love you. I was just...breaking. Haha. But I PROMISE I will reply soon... within 48 hours. Although I have returned to my perpetual assignment-ing. But a promise is a promise. =D

Of fantasies and fairytales. I really need to stop obsessing over Final Fantasy (and all other fantasies for that matter... RPG's and fairytales included).
Seriously though, why can't life be an RPG where we can all be heroes and heroines. I want my perfect ending too. My perfect "together we fight to save the world with our superhuman skills and powers if you die i can summon phoenix to revive you we defeat big boss and along the way i fall in love with you you fall in love with me everyone falls in love with everyone else and we all live happily ever after" ending.
I would like to be the heroine of some story one day. It would be great if I had super agility and archery skills as well. And materia. Let's not forget the materia. Being able to hit enemies simultaneously would help. Oh, and my hero waiting for me after we kill super ridiculously big and ugly boss(lady).
But, of course, life doesn't really work that way. It never does. I can dream though, can't I?
Sometimes I do wonder whether my head really grasps the concept of reality at all. Heehee.

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