Thursday, May 22, 2008

Was it real or just my fantasy?

OMGOODNESS I HAVE TO DESIGN FREAKING WEBSITE FROM SCRATCH WHAT KINDA STUPID ASSIGNMENT IS THIS?!?!?! I like designing the website, yes. But *sobz*, but I have to keep it very professionally business-looking, and I have to make up history and summaries about this company that I know nothing about. And why do I not know anything about it? Because the company and business doesn't even exist. It exists solely for the purpose of the assignment, so I basically have to make up everything. Now, if it were just making up a story, I'ld be perfectly fine, but this has to be professional and appropriate and all that crap that falls within the guidelines of the rule book and GAH, I'm gonna spontaneously combust again.

Die spreadsheets, die website designing, die all things assignments!
I'm really frustrated, can you tell?

Edit: It turns out it really wasn't quite so bad after all. I really do need to learn to stop panicking before I actually attempt things. =D


Anonymous said...

can it be about the Academy of Lazy? they can't possibly grade u on your imagining skills right? plus, education is a business. quote the big fat guy from House: healthcare is a business n i intend to run it that way.

Joce said...

erm no, haha, i wish it was though, then I wouldn't have to do anything, hehe, gahs, young people like us should not be subjected to these kinda stress!