Saturday, May 03, 2008

My portion, deliverer, My shelter, strong tower

There really are angels here on Earth. In response to my frantic post about wanting to go to WYD '08 but worrying about money, someone (who requested not to be mentioned, because this someone is really that bighearted =) has very kindly offered to donate money to me so that I may go. At first I was deciding whether I should accept this generous offer or not. But you know what, if I was sent an angel, He meant for me to go. Thank you, my angel here on Earth (if you're even reading this)! You have no idea just how grateful I am right now. If only there was a way I could repay this person. *scratches head* Hmmm.

The other concern I had was about joining a group etc. But that problem is now also resolved thanks to Karen darling. And I actually also found several Toowoomba groups. But I guess I'm sticking to Karen darling's group, simply because she's Karen darling. Hehe.
So, there. I'm going to WYD '08. I can't believe it. I'm actually going! My once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. *grins like crazy* So as of now, my application form is processing. I love God, don't you?

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